Instructor & Owner "G" Jerry Truglia
"G" is a ASE World Class Technician
ASE Triple Master Technician in Automotive, Truck & School Bus
Advanced Engine Performance Specialist (L1)
Advanced Light Duty Hybrid/Electrical Vehicles (L3)
Light Duty Diesel (A9)
Exhaust systems (X1)
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) (F1)
Automobile Service Consultant (C1)
Mr. "G" (Jerry) Truglia is recognized by the US Environmental Protection Agency as one of the foremost OBD II experts, technicians, and trainers in the country. He achieved National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification, won a golden wrench award and is one of 1900 ever to be certified as a "World Class Technician".
He provides technical material, is an author and technical advisor for the New York automotive technology training program and has authored numerous books and magazine articles. "G" also provided automotive training to the United States Marine Corps in Okinawa, Japan. He has also work for Peugeot in France, ATRA in Australia, ASA, ASACA (Instructor of the Year Award - 2 years), ASAKC and many colleges, trade school besides providing Train the Train to instructors for ATC, Lincoln Tech, UTI, Ohio Diesel and others.
"G" is an experienced presenter and trainer and has presented at Mobile Air Conditioning Society conferences, five SAE World Congresses, the Clean Air Conference, and for many years at I/M Solutions conferences. He is an adjunct professor at Rutgers University and was a certified instructor in the New York dyno testing program. He developed the OBD II training program and testing for the NYVIP inspection program that was installed on over 13,000 New York State Inspection machines.
"G" has extensive experience in the automotive field as a technician, service manager, shop owner of twelve different repair shop – five at once, and technical writer. He was a senior curriculum developer who provides training programs for automotive and truck inspection and repair programs. "G" developed the Massachusetts inspection manual for heavy-duty vehicles that was approved by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. He developed and has provided on-board diagnostic system, OBD II, and automotive training for the states of Alaska, California, Connecticut, Ohio, Oregon, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin and Ontario, Canada and the US Environmental Protection Agency.